Bug fixes:
- Reordering documents to be signed in a signing project no longer affects “number of zone” counter.
- In the signature room, the text size of the text fields is identical in all areas on the document to be signed.
- The contents of text fields assigned to an internal and external signer will be displayed identically for a project initiator.
- The preview of the uploaded document correctly displays a corrupted document if the PDF image generation does not conform to the document for organizations with mandatory PDF/A conversion on documents.
- Changing plan (e.g. moving from a Business 5 to Business 2) keeps the contacts in the individual address book.
- Users of an expired ConsignO Cloud account can download the completed signature projects again.
- Importing contacts via a CSV file by a user who is a member of a group adds them to the group’s address book.
- Creating a template, or saving a project as a template, containing a message for everyone no longer causes an error message when saving.
- The options menu displayed to the right of the sharing function closes properly when performing other actions