- Improved performance of user dashboard initialisation.
Bug fixes:
- The terms of use of signatories already accepted are not redisplayed to a project initiator who signs from his account.
- It is possible to transfer a completed signature project to a person whose second authentication factor is the shared secret.
- The order of signatures established by the project initiator is maintained following the deletion of a signatory being in a grouped step with other signatories.
- A signatory selected from the address book, whose email address is subsequently changed from the signature project creation page without propagating the change, will no longer be linked to the contact in the address book and cannot be changed or edited from the address book.
- COC-7729 : The drop-down menu allowing the selection of the period to produce usage reports, available to administrators and managers of certain subscriptions with organization, does not display the months. To make them appear, simply refresh the browser page (F5).