- Searching in the address book allows to keep previous selections.
Bug fixes:
- Display of an error message when launching a batch signature project without a signature zone.
- For Enterprise plan, it is not possible to buy a subsequent signature projects pack if a pack is already pending activation.
- Business 5 and Business 20 plan, fixed the display of plan information, the date displayed on the counter of signature projects launched remains the date of renewal or purchase of the subscription.
- Individual Plan: end of receiving multiple renewal emails despite paying for its subscription.
- Downloading a document from a mobile device can be done without having to log in again.
- Transferring a completed signature project to a new contact (not added to the address book) whose second factor is a shared secret, no longer causes an error when accessing the project.
- Access by signatories to signature projects that were first expired and then relaunched is functional again.
- It is possible to complete the invitation to become a project initiator form without the error message “signup.errors.generic400” when validating the second authentication factor code.