Notarius releases ConsignO Cloud v.2.54.0

Improvements: Emails informing of the deletion of document sharing projects are sent to the project initiator when the document sharing is completed and the retention period defined by the organization has expired, or when the expiration date of the sharing project is reached. The names of shared documents are displayed in the shared document information…

Notarius releases ConsignO Cloud v.2.52.0

New features: Document sharing allows you to transfer files securely. Accessible with Business 2, Business 5, Business 20, Enterprise (and trial) plans as well as API plans. Configuration possible at organization level. Bug fixes: For bulk projects, assigning a text field for a signer is now functional again. API A more explicit error message appears…

ConsignO Cloud v.2.51.0

Notarius releases ConsignO Cloud v.2.51.0

Improvements: Changed the location of the UTC time and date in emails sent to signers. Bug fixes: The link to download signed documents, sent by email to the signatories, remains active for a retention period defined by the organization. Only the last 4 digits of the phone number are visible in the confirmation message when…